Friday, September 08, 2006

'A Big Fat Stupid White Man!' ( t'is not a racial comment boss!! Just the name of a book!)

Watching movies has become one of my favorite hobby. Hmm…Timepass would be the right word! Last week in the video section of the library I found the movie ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’. It was a documentary movie by Michael Moore. When my husband found me checking out the video, he said…’Hmm good...Worth watching!’

I always liked documentaries and I would say I loved this one. When I was watching this movie, all I was thinking was the freedom of press and media. They form governments; they overthrow the same in no time, playing a major role in deciding a country’s future. Media’s reach is deep. Reaches one’s mind so deep that it makes one to write a blog on it!

This documentary – Fahrenheit 9/11 - is about the why Uncle Sam declared war on Iraq - which is neither the hidden nuclear weapons nor the once-upon-a-time-mighty Saddam. It’s all about how a country crowning itself the king of the world could do anything to any other country without a reason. It’s about their President Bush. It’s about his life as a President’s son. It’s about their family friend Osama. To me, more than the content of movie, the freedom of media was astonishing and interesting.

Michael Moore’s Oscar-winning documentary was ‘Bowling Columbine’. Based on the Columbine high school incident where two school students massacred the fellow school mates and teachers. Yes…It’s about the Gun-Culture in USA. Really…worth watching!

Michael Moore puts his thoughts on But his foes put him in They slam him, curse him and give every possible reason for people to hate him. To them he is ‘A Big Fat Stupid White Man’.

Apart from all these criticisms, fact/non-fact arguments, I liked both his documentaries.
Just because, they were interesting.

1 comment:

Pradeep Nair said...

Haven't seen the movie. But have read Moore's book. His is one of the alternative theories. Pretty convincing, I thought. But again, lacks the clinching proofs. Interesting, remarkable. That's all I'd say. After an event, one can always look back, join the dots and come to umpteen conclusions. There is lot of differnce between foresight and hindsight, is it not.