Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Burning Bengalooru..

Still regaining from the last week’s shock of seeing the city burning.
Bengalooru was spewing flames of tears for the dead actor Dr.Rajkumar.

Agree, Bengalooru is certainly a city with a class. It stands apart from the rest of the Indian cities with its glossy exteriors and greener interiors.But something is terribly missing.

The City wants to be called a Metropolitan, but such incidents would certainly mar its own growth. Closing the bars before midnight and banning the mobile phones for college goers only is not a solution for bestowing discipline among the masses. Sensitivity to other’s feelings and self discipline will do wonders.

Never once did the fans of ‘Annavaru’ think about the legend’s family. The crowd was indifferent to the begging and pleadings of the sons to let their father rest in peace.Blaming the government for the lack of control measures is not very appropriate.

Unless people change their attitude, anything that any government attempts to do will go futile.The same attributes to the recent stampede episodes in Chennai during the distribution of flood relief supplies. When it happened for the first time the government was blamed for not taking proper control of the crowd. When the history repeated, the attention is on the attitude of people. Had people and been self controlled and sensitive to others feelings, such a disaster could have been abated.

Murders, violence, Divorces, etcetera, etcetera – Reason? – Insensitivity.All I feel is,the scenes of tragedies will continue to haunt unless people become sensitive to others’ feelings.

1 comment:

Devaraj said...

Indian public is really wonderful one. Their needs were very much limited. And they can be satisfied by fulfilling very basic needs. The common attitude is getting worse only when, government is inadequate even to fulfill those basic needs